All requests to reproduce images for which copyright is held by © STUART NICHOLSON are subject to the terms and conditions of use set out below:

It is the photograph user’s (hereafter known as the licensee) responsibility to obtain artistic copyright clearance for each and every use whatever of copyrighted  material held by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON.

Permission is for one-time use only, with no other rights. Any subsequent use whatever (including subsequent editions, paperback editions, foreign language editions, etc.) constitutes reuse and must be agreed with the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON  and is subject to the terms and conditions of use  herein.

An additional fee may be charged for reuse for any copyrighted images held by © STUART NICHOLSON.

The rights granted herein are exclusive and are granted only to the licensee by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON.

Any unauthorized use thereof, by any person or entity, for any reason, will render applicant responsible and liable to the copyright holder  © STUART NICHOLSON for appropriate compensation and other costs, regardless of whether applicant has profited from or is responsible for such unauthorized use.

The copyright holder  © STUART NICHOLSON reserves the right to request a printers proof for approval prior to publication of any image supplied to the licensee and reserves the right to revoke permission to use the image.

If requested by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON, the licensee will provide one complimentary copy of each publication (excluding film) in which a copyrighted  image held by © STUART NICHOLSON is used.

Credit must be given to the copyright holder as © STUART NICHOLSON.

With printed matter, the photographer’s name, © STUART NICHOLSON, must be included in the credit line. The credit line must appear with the image or on a credit page, indicating the page number and location of the image. Crediting of each individual item is mandatory. Photographer’s name must be spelled as it is spelled in this contract. The typeface for the byline or photo credit should be at least 10 pt in size. The name must be placed immediately below each photo.

With all forms of electronic media, the photographer’s name, © STUART NICHOLSON, must always be visible and not require special action by the reader/consumer in order for it to appear. Lack of identification, in any media whatsoever for whatever reason, shall be compensated by an additional fee equal to 100 % of the original fee.

With films, filmstrips, slide presentations, and video productions, credit © STUART NICHOLSON must appear with other   credits at the beginning or end of the production.

With display or exhibition, © STUART NICHOLSON must appear within the display or exhibition area. Exemption from this requirement must be approved by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON.

In authorizing the publication of an image requested by a licensee, the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON does not surrender his rights to publish it himself or to grant others permission to do so.

The licensee agrees that photographic images supplied by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON as a J-Peg file, as a hard copy or by any other means must not be transferred or otherwise made into other 2-dimensional copies, slides, digital copies, facsimile or other 3-dimensional images or passed, or copied on to a third party, without permission, agreement of fee and subject  the terms and conditions specified herein.

Copies of material copyrighted by © STUART NICHOLSON must not be stored in any format for subsequent use, without prior written permission from the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON.

Any alterations, editing or manipulation of the image/s such as such as cropping, overprinting, or bleeding of any image is strictly forbidden under the terms of this contract.

All responsibility for possible copyright infringement and invasion of privacy arising from use of any image reproduction supplied by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON  is assumed by the licensee.

Customers wishing to obtain images are advised that there will be a reproduction / photographic fee which is payable before the image is supplied.

The price charged by the licensor © STUART NICHOLSON to the licensee is in exchange for a grant of rights agreed with the copyright holder permitting the use of one or more images in a manner prescribed in the license.

The fee  will be based on factors such as circulation, size of reproduction relating to the specific image qualities of the copyrighted work.

All reprints, further editions or further use of photographic material supplied by the copyright holder © STUART    NICHOLSON will necessitate a new application to the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON and will be subject to payment of a further fee.

The copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON does not warrant the accuracy of the captions, keywords, metadata, or any other information used in association with the copyrighted material.

Photographic Copyright held by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON, is asserted in accordance with sections 77 & 78 of the Copyright, Design & Patents Act 1988.

Payment is accepted by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON for each and every photographic image on the understanding the the licensee has read, understands and agrees the to the terms and conditions detailed herein.
