
“A stunning website with wonderful photos from the most perceptive critic writing about jazz today,”  Prof/Dr Tommy Smith, Saxophonist, Composer, Arranger, Artistic Director of Jazz, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra.

“Your photos are just unbelievable! WOW! Have you done your own book? PLEASE do one if you have not!”, Danny Gottlieb, drummer, educator, Gary Burton Quartet, founding member Pat Metheny Group, co-founder Elements, Al DiMeola Project, Randy Brecker, Stan Getz, Gil Evans Orchestra.

A Valuable Archive of Over 2,500 Rare Jazz Photos For Sale

The Collections Tabs showcase selected photographs under various genres of jazz to illustrate  the range of the archive.  The “Play Slideshow” facility is a useful aid to view these photos in full screen mode.

The Artists Tabs  are in alphabetical order but note that  artists are filed under first names, thus Miles Davis will be under the “M” tab,  Joe Zawinul will be found under the “J” tab and so on.

Generic categories of more than one word are filed under the first word, such as N for “New York” and so on.

Click on an image click and follow the onscreen prompts to enquire about fees for personal use or obtaining a licence for commercial use.

 A licence is granted in exchange for a fee which is accepted by the copyright holder © STUART NICHOLSON for each and every photographic image used for commercial purposes on the understanding the licensee has read, understands and agrees to the terms and conditions of use detailed herein.

To include the number of photographs we have on this website it was necessary to display them in relatively low resolution format. Note that photographs purchased are supplied in high resolution 300 dpi Jpeg files.

Use of the archive is subject to the terms and conditions of use.

Many photos used under licence  have appeared as CD and LP cover art, such as these examples for Red Records.

 Buddy Rich
